Привет ребята. Summer break is finally over for my Russian Advanced Communication course. Classes started this Monday and will keep on going through June 2013. I've got to say I was surprised with myself for how much I still remembered from last year's course. This will by my final year as a русского языка студент since I've already reached level C2. I’ll try and do my best in this course, and this time I won’t skip any of the homework. Well, at least not any of the important ones.
Back in the editing room, today I began cutting Reação Espontânea’s fourth episode. At this rate post-production will start a little ahead of schedule, especially if we manage to finish the final set of interviews by November 2nd. Location, location, location. After script revision and rewriting for 1+1, we’re location scouting a few new places to reshoot some of the scenes that were lost. Three episodes are already going into audio post-production with more on their way. Planning the two-day long reshoot is going smoothly, after we get the go ahead for episode 3’s new location little will be left on our plates until November 3rd. It seems everything is centering itself round November. I can only hope that this month will turn out to be Reação Espontânea’s and 1+1’s lucky charm, since our margin for error has greatly diminished. But October is not over yet and there’s still a lot of work to be done. Planning 1+1’s reshoot has taken some of my focus away from Reação Espontânea’s editing. Not to worry, the next few days will be solely dedicated to the latter. I promise I’ll take a few breaks to at least enjoy the unseasonable sunlight we’ve been getting over the last few days. Say what you will about Portugal, but the Sun is very generous with us. До встречи, for now, the editing room awaits!
The editing room is not a dead cold place. I take it back. It gets a little drafty sometimes, especially when someone leaves the door open. Winter is indeed coming, but autumn leaves still cover our path as far as the eye can see. I’m currently editing the first three episodes of Reação Espontânea. Oh, right, I haven’t told you, yet. Ciência Hoje has finally got a new name, it’s going to be called Reação Espontânea, or Spontaneous Reaction, if you will. But don’t worry we won’t be burning anyone up.
Editing is going smoothly, however there are still a few episodes awaiting some material that will be shot over the next few weeks. In spite of this, we’re still running a little ahead of schedule. As for 1+1, we seem to have hit a little snafu. Due to some technical issues with one of the cameras we’ve used, we’ll have to reshoot one episode and a few scenes from two other episodes. The actors will be called back on November 3rd for a two day weekend-long intensive reshooting. The rest of the episodes are already being edited and are going into post-production in a few weeks. For now you can follow all new developments at 1+1’s facebook page. We’ve got a fresh new logo and everything! Until we meet again It seems as though the closer I get to the end of this post the sadder the theme gets. I’ve just found out that the University of Porto (UP) is pulling the plug on JPR, my college web radio. I collaborated with JPR for over two years, both as a journalist and as the host for two podcasts (Porto Sonoro and 4.º Árbitro). Not all is without hope. JPR won’t be completely tuned out, it will merge with JPN, UP’s online newspaper. I guess this merger will, somehow, be more cost-effective, however it saddens me to see a big part of my college experience being treated in such a way. JPR, I hope someday you’ll find a way to be reborn as a better version of your former self, until then: Goodnight, sleep tight, old friend! We’ve just finished shooting for 1+1. Boy that was a handful! I’ve somehow managed to keep my health and a sturdy seven hour sleep average. Unfortunately some members of the team weren’t as lucky and have fallen ill with a bad case of the sniffles. Here’s hoping for their quick and healthy recovery!
Six episodes, ten days, seven locations, no weekends off and only one day of rest. That pretty much sums up my last couple of weeks. I have to admit that shooting 1+1 wasn’t as easy as… as… well, as one plus one! However, I was blessed with a great team that was able to overcome adversities and rise to the occasion every time an obstacle crossed our path. Like one of the actors put it, “it felt like we were amongst friends having fun while shooting a film”. Rain, unseasonable cold, unpredictable weather, planes and geese, yes, geese, were just some of the foes that tried to get in our way. In spite of all this, the team stuck together and for that I have to thank the patience and the professionalism of our cast. Mikaela Lupo, Salvador Nery and Rui Spranger were the best group of actors a director could ask for. There was never a dull day with these three, their good mood and willingness to help made the set a more colourful and brighter place to work. Now that the production stage is over, we’re on to the editing room where all the magic will happen, knowing that over the last couple of weeks each and every one of us gave their best to this project. After a week of shooting in Porto and Lisbon, there’s been a setback with Ciência Hoje and some of the interviews will have to be rescheduled. We will be shooting the new content over the next couple of weeks, however I won’t be taking part in this stage. I’ll start editing Ciência Hoje next Monday after the October 5th holidays. I guess it’s off to the editing room for me. I promise I’ll try to at least get a few minutes of sun light over the next few months. Two weeks after the first brick was set, my Online Portfolio is now up and running. With all the pages having their under construction status lifted, I’m now moving to the beta testing phase.
I’ll be accepting any suggestions on how to improve this site. From design, to content, to ways to making this website more appealing to potential employers, all your opinions will be taken into account. In Portugal we have a saying that goes a little something like this: “all help is never enough”. Trust me, it sounds way better in Portuguese, but you get the drift of it. You can get in touch with me through the Contact Me page, either by filling in the form, e-mail or phone. I’m not on skype that often (actually I’m never on skype, maybe I should do something about this), so e-mail will do just fine. Some of the pages are susceptible to updates, all of which I’ll be posting in this news section whenever they come up. Starting this Monday I’ll be on location with Ciência Hoje for the production of our 6 episode documentary. We’ll be shooting in Porto, Coimbra and Lisbon over the next few weeks. On September 24th, I’ll also begin shooting with 1+1. If only the production stage was like our slogan, it’s simple, it’s just like one plus one! The long 2-year wait is finally over. Although I can't promise to update this page regularly, I will be posting any relevant news concerning my portfolio and employment status right here.
My online portfolio is currently under construction and will remain this way until, well, until I find the time to finish it. I'm opened to any suggestions regarding this website's design and its contents. I'll leave some of the old contents in Portuguese until their pages are edited and published. For now all English speaking viewers will have to keep an eye on this section for further developments. I am currently working as Director and Editor for two projects within the Academia RTP, a television production academy for the Portuguese national radio and television (RTP). |
March 2016