Christmas break is now over and my Monday evenings are once again booked with Russian classes for the better half of the year. Having classes on January 7th obviously meant we’d be celebrating Рождество. My teacher surprised us with a small but considerate gift, a post-card with a holiday poem and an Ukrainian chocolate bar. Can’t say I’ve eaten it, yet, after being flooded with sweet goodies over the last few weeks I’ve sort of developed a little aversion to candy. Not to worry, I’m sure it will soon pass.
Back to business. I’ve recently finished updating my press releases and news archive from the last couple of years. I had quite a few material to go through, especially from my previous work as Media Relations at INESC Porto. It was hard to go through it all, but I’ve managed to select some of my best work and post it on my News Blog, Mercúrio do Porto. For easy access to the articles I wrote while working at INESC Porto, I suggest you follow the label with the company’s name. I’ve been working on some personal projects over the last couple of weeks – what is this obsession with the over use of the expression “I have”, oh well, never mind – the most popular of which being my own personal blog. Coming to a seven year-old continuous run I thought it was time to unlock a few personal achievements. December 2012 was not only the month with the most published articles of all time, but also the month with the highest views, going over the one thousand views line for the first time ever! I’m currently going over a few job offers and, hopefully, I’ll have some good news for you anytime soon! Until then keep an eye out for this page for any new updates.
Привет ребята. Summer break is finally over for my Russian Advanced Communication course. Classes started this Monday and will keep on going through June 2013. I've got to say I was surprised with myself for how much I still remembered from last year's course. This will by my final year as a русского языка студент since I've already reached level C2. I’ll try and do my best in this course, and this time I won’t skip any of the homework. Well, at least not any of the important ones.
Back in the editing room, today I began cutting Reação Espontânea’s fourth episode. At this rate post-production will start a little ahead of schedule, especially if we manage to finish the final set of interviews by November 2nd. Location, location, location. After script revision and rewriting for 1+1, we’re location scouting a few new places to reshoot some of the scenes that were lost. Three episodes are already going into audio post-production with more on their way. Planning the two-day long reshoot is going smoothly, after we get the go ahead for episode 3’s new location little will be left on our plates until November 3rd. It seems everything is centering itself round November. I can only hope that this month will turn out to be Reação Espontânea’s and 1+1’s lucky charm, since our margin for error has greatly diminished. But October is not over yet and there’s still a lot of work to be done. Planning 1+1’s reshoot has taken some of my focus away from Reação Espontânea’s editing. Not to worry, the next few days will be solely dedicated to the latter. I promise I’ll take a few breaks to at least enjoy the unseasonable sunlight we’ve been getting over the last few days. Say what you will about Portugal, but the Sun is very generous with us. До встречи, for now, the editing room awaits! |
March 2016