To be honest, not really. But with over two thousand views on facebook, and a little over five hundred views on Youtube, On the Right Track is soaring ever higher. If you haven’t seen it yet, which is highly doubtful (no, seriously, I hate to be one to brag, but it’s really good), I’ve just uploaded it to the Video section of this portfolio. On the Right Track has been featured on two online news sites, Ovar News and Urbi. It has also been mentioned on Vontade de Viajar’s twitter feed, with quite a few retweets and mentions to its name. Vontade de Viajar, or Will to Travel, is a Brazilian blog about, you guessed it, travelling. On occasion, I’ve written a few guest posts for Vontade de Viajar, and I’m working on one right now about a less known side of Amsterdam. Be sure to check it out!
Our first anniversary, well, kind of
It’s been one year since this online portfolio has been online. Well, actually this domain has been around for over four years, however, for most of that time it was a dead url with little, to no updates. Last year, I decided it was time to build a professional looking online portfolio. With a new design, a more organized feel to it, and brand new sections, this portfolio has become my main source of employment over the last year. It’s been a great tool to promote my work, doubling as an archive for past publications, and personal news clipping. Too Much Information… …is the title of my latest article on Her Ideal. This time, I’ve decided to put the matters of the heart a side for a little bit and focus on the overwhelming stream of personal and pointless information that drowns us on facebook. How many times have you found yourself thinking: Is he really posting that on facebook? Don’t they realize anyone can see this? Do they have no self-respect? Since finding new friends can be a hassle, why not share my article with them? Maybe they’ll learn a thing or two about privacy settings and about self-control of what they publish online. I will be visiting London over the next few days. Hopefully I’ll find some time to promote my portfolio. Who knows? It’s always a great asset to have around if you ever need it.
March 2016