I know, I know. It’s been a while since my last entry. I’ve been a bit busy with some personal projects over the last couple of weeks. I also decided to put my free time into good use and got around to doing some spring cleaning that I’ve been putting off for a few years now. You can’t imagine the ton of cool stuff I had stored away in the attic. Fortunately, my long-term neglect didn’t do much damage other than the occasional pile of dust. All this journey down memory lane got me thinking about old projects that for one reason or the other just didn’t made it to my portfolio’s latest version. As some of you may know I enjoy writing fiction. Mostly they’re just romantic short stories that end up mirroring some episodes of my love life. I have some ideas to write a book one day but I haven’t found the right motivation to getting round to do it. However, my exploits into fiction writing have not gone unnoticed and I did manage to get one of my short stories published in a magazine called 9páginas (9 pages) back in 2009. I completely forgot about this until a few days ago when I came across a copy of that magazine. At the time they sent me a PDF version of my short story and here it is for all of you to enjoy. Sadly it is written in Portuguese and there’s no translation available. To sum it up it’s a story about a high school crush. The protagonist walks his crush home after school every day, however he’s unable to tell her how he really feels. It’s written in a somewhat poetic way and I believe the scenery description is one of the best work I’ve done in this regard. Anyway, don’t take my word for it, just read it and see for yourself.
This other blast from the past is actually a bit of clipping from my old English School’s newsletter. I was asked to write a short essay about my experience in Windsor School and my teacher, Andy Murphy, wrote a short profile about me. It’s all on page 6 of this newsletter. As for the season finale of Magneto, what can I say? It was a good run, I can’t really describe the feeling one gets after watching six months of hard work premiere on national television. It’s simply breathtaking. That aside, I still feel the show wasn’t publicized in the right way. Mixing together five segments that had nothing to do with one another was simply an amateur move from the network. In my opinion, the five shows should’ve been split individually and as some have suggested, they should’ve aired a few minutes before or after RTP’s main news section on week days at eight o’clock in the evening. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the one in charge of such a decision and in the end all that matters is that we’ve done an excellent job and that our work got the recognition it deserved. I have a few surprises in stored for you this April. Stay tuned and don’t forget to check out this section for further details.
Reação Espontãnea Episode 6: Epigenetics Air date: March 2nd, 2013 For our final episode we go back to the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) to learn about epigenetics. Lars Jansen, head of the Laboratory for Epigenetic Inheritance, will be our guide to this new field that deals with genetic traits that aren’t inherited through the genes. How the environment can influence one’s genetic makeup and a new application for Lamarck’s Law of Use and Disuse in the sixth and final episode of Reação Espontânea. 1+1
Episode 6: Paper Chase Air date: March 2nd, 2013 Rui convinces Marta to join him on a Paper Chase. Have you ever wondered why manhole covers are round instead of squared? What’s the equation to calculate the wage of a person who worked an hour and a half and earns five euros per hour? Is it possible to play fair using a biased coin? What happens when you try to divide by zero? Eugénio Compasso will lend a hand to our friends one last time in the season finale of 1+1. |
March 2016