To all of you who are wondering why my Christmas card's Russian entry only says Happy New Year, instead of Merry Christmas, it's like this because Christian orthodoxy celebrates Christmas on January 7th, instead of December 25th. Also, their version of our Christmas tree, called New Year's Pine, is related to the New Year's festivities instead of Christmas.
But aside from all that, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very good night!
Sending your run of the mill standard resume just doesn’t cut it anymore. These days you’ve got to find original and creative ways to impress your potential employer. Showing them your skills in a practical way is the first step to doing so. Up-to-date online portfolios, show reels, popular social network profiles and original and concise resumes are essential to making a good first impression. Over the last few months I’ve been trying to establish my online portfolio as my own personal brand. Doing so, I’ve decided to create a micro-CV card. Not that different from your usual business card, I have adapted it to suit my online portfolio’s logo, graphic identity and design. As you can see, my CV card includes a QR code on the back which links directly to this site. The stripes on the back are coloured in reference to the visual identity of the places where I’ve worked or studied, and each colour skill is linked with the colour of the place that I used to work. For example, the skill “Media Relations” is in light blue, because that’s the colour of INESC Porto where I’ve worked in Media Relations. I’m hoping this card will be a good way to present my skills as well as a short resume and contact card to any potential employers. However, I have a few questions I would like you to help me with. Do you think I should include my online portfolio’s URL along with the QR code? I’m thinking of doing so, since some employers might not have a smartphone, and also because my portfolio is better suited to be viewed on a standard computer browser instead of a smartphone screen. If you have any other suggestions or commentaries be sure to reach me, either by commenting on this post or through the Contac Me page. Also, if you have any knowledge about a low-cost printing service that offers good quality print business cards, don’t hesitate in letting me know! You were probably expecting me to post a few updates over the last couple of weeks. The truth is I didn’t have much to say other than both Reação Espontânea and 1+1’s episodes have been delivered and are now just waiting for their air date to be green lit.
There were a few i’s that needed to be dotted and a couple of t’s to cross, but they were mostly just technical issues that you need not bother with. Both shows are due to air in February. I will inform you of their respective air dates as soon as they’re officially confirmed. Until then I suggest you check out their facebook pages (1+1 & Reação Espontânea) for any extra information. One giant leap It’s always hard to find the right words to express how you feel after a contract ends and you find yourself back on the market ready to start all over again. I’ve dedicated the last year to Academia RTP and I can’t help but feel a deep sense of accomplishment after seeing my work completed and ready to go out into the world. I believe congratulations are in order on a job well done. I couldn’t have done it without my team of colleagues and friends who accompanied me from the very start of this adventure. From the very beginning with Conta-me Estórias pilot episode to the finalized versions of Reação Espontânea and 1+1, it would’ve been an impossible and lonely journey without their help and commitment. Now, as I close this chapter, I look back with fondness to all the good moments on and off set that this experience has brought me. As I once more venture out into the world I do so knowing that this last year was a great leap forward on my never-ending journey. However, no matter how long this leap was, there’s still a long way ahead of me and I couldn’t be more thrilled to find out what the next step is going to be. Back to the drawing board Since I’ve reached the end of my contract with Academia RTP, I am now on the lookout for the next job opportunity. As I’ve stated in my profile, I am currently looking for a position in Science Communication, film directing and editing or Media Relations. I will be analyzing any new job offers over the next few weeks. If you are interested you can get in touch with me through the Contact Me page. You can do so either by filling out the form or by sending me an e-mail to [email protected]. You can find my phone, facebook, twitter and LinkedIn information on the same page or in the banner of this portfolio. In the meanwhile I’ll be focusing on some personal projects. For any new updates don’t forget to check out this section. I’ll be posting any new relevant information, so keep an eye out for any new updates to this page. |
March 2016