At that moment, my triumph was not a state championship, but simple clarity. The realization that we had always been meant for each other and every instinct to the contrary had simply been a denial of the following truth. I was now, and would always be, in love with Peyton Sawyer. One Tree Hill is one of my favorite teen drama series. A refreshing storyline, made up of profound and complex characters, with some of the best writing I’ve seen on a television series in the last decade. Well, at least for the first four seasons, the others just seemed a bit presumptuous and unnecessary, especially after the sixth season. But I digress. As a teenager I always dreamed of becoming a writer. I thought about it every night. I hoped to write the great Portuguese novel. A great romance inspired by beauty, freedom, truth, and above all things, love. As soon as I heard about this new thing called “blogging”, I decided to try it out for myself. I created a blog and named it Blue Dove. It was a symbol of freedom and inspiration. One day, I too will fly high, and my work will be acknowledged. I started Blue Dove in December 2004. It had a short run of a little more than a year. The platform where I was publishing, although popular, was a bit outdated. I decided to switch to Blogger, and remained a faithful publisher, with my current blog No Sense of Reason, which I started back in 2006 and, to this day, is still regularly updated. Blue Dove had a fine run. Even though I stopped updating it, I often found myself reading some of its posts. Strolling down memory lane, looking for some sort of inspiration hidden in between the hopes and dreams of my teenage self. Most of the time, I just ended up reminiscing about old flames, letting myself be flooded with emotions. A flood that could only be stopped by shedding a couple of tears. I often wondered back to that moment when Lucas declared his love for Peyton. The endgame. That moment that every fan anxiously waited for since day one. I only wished I could have such a resolve. I only wished I could truly find love. Truly be in love. And thus, find my story, my greatest inspiration to write. Earlier this year, I found out that, without my knowledge, Blue Dove had been put offline. Never to rise again. Luckily, I kept a record of every post I’ve ever published in that blog. For months I struggled with a way to bring them back. At last, the solution was obvious, I need to bring back Blue Dove. Not the old one, but a new, revised and improved version. A little over a month ago, A Flock of Blue Doves was born. My new blog, that is actually nothing more than an old archive of short stories, opinion articles, thoughts, and poems that I’ve written over the years. A Flock of Blue Doves couldn’t be just another copy of Blue Dove. It was a fresh start, a new platform where some of my best private work of the last few years would have a second chance to let itself known to the world. Every day, from Sunday to Thursday I post a new, revised version, of every post ever published in Blue Dove. When I’m finished, I’ll continue to use this new blog to republish all of the short stories, articles and poems published in my other blogs, 25 de Julho, Story Writer and Antologia do Eu. After that, all these three blogs will be closed, and only accessible by invite. A Flock of Blue Doves will be the latest platform to promote my work in storytelling and poetry. No Sense of Reason will continue to be updated like it always has. Its older posts will too be revised and republished, but they won’t leave No Sense of Reason’s atmosphere, at least not for the time being. In the near future, instead of five, I’ll only be managing three blogs, No Sense of Reason, A Flock of Blue Doves and Mercúrio do Porto. I’ve recently updated their design with new logos, taglines, and I’ve also installed a couple of new widgets, such as a recent post slider and a Like Button for my facebook page. Sweet Tempation I know that June is almost at an end, and that we’re closer to a new edition of Her Ideal, however, I couldn’t sign off without promoting the latest opinion article that I published in this magazine. “Sweet Temptation” is a journey through Portugal’s most exquisite examples of desert cuisine. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Until next time, be sure to read the latest edition of Her Ideal, and don’t forget to check out A Flock of Blue Doves for a little journey to the past, with the delightful company of my teenage self.
Christmas break is now over and my Monday evenings are once again booked with Russian classes for the better half of the year. Having classes on January 7th obviously meant we’d be celebrating Рождество. My teacher surprised us with a small but considerate gift, a post-card with a holiday poem and an Ukrainian chocolate bar. Can’t say I’ve eaten it, yet, after being flooded with sweet goodies over the last few weeks I’ve sort of developed a little aversion to candy. Not to worry, I’m sure it will soon pass.
Back to business. I’ve recently finished updating my press releases and news archive from the last couple of years. I had quite a few material to go through, especially from my previous work as Media Relations at INESC Porto. It was hard to go through it all, but I’ve managed to select some of my best work and post it on my News Blog, Mercúrio do Porto. For easy access to the articles I wrote while working at INESC Porto, I suggest you follow the label with the company’s name. I’ve been working on some personal projects over the last couple of weeks – what is this obsession with the over use of the expression “I have”, oh well, never mind – the most popular of which being my own personal blog. Coming to a seven year-old continuous run I thought it was time to unlock a few personal achievements. December 2012 was not only the month with the most published articles of all time, but also the month with the highest views, going over the one thousand views line for the first time ever! I’m currently going over a few job offers and, hopefully, I’ll have some good news for you anytime soon! Until then keep an eye out for this page for any new updates. With just five days left to wrap-up post-production on 1+1 and Reação Espontânea, there’s nothing like a quiet weekend to just sit back and smell the roses. Last Friday both shows had to go through our last executive meeting, and I’m glad to say they’ve both passed with flying colors.
Five down, one to go Last week I’ve managed to finish editing on five episodes of Reação Espontânea. The last one just sat there, eager to be completed, however our production scheduled forced us to reshoot some of the footage from our pilot (yes, funny as it may be, our last episode is actually our pilot), and the only day we could do it was today. Like in the pilot, this episode tells us all about the natural aging process and what Miguel Godinho’s team at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência are trying to do to help slow it down. With the last set of footage being filmed today I’ll be able to wrap it up in the next few days, leaving everything else in the trustworthy hands of our 3D modeling and design team. As for 1+1, there are still a few issues to be overturned, especially for animation design and audio post-production. Overall the executive meeting was quite positive, the reshoot did wonders for some of the episodes but we still need that little extra step to go from good to great. The confidence boost from having the executive team lay their faith on our hands is the right amount of fuel that we need to start up this engine and take it to the finish line. As a director I couldn’t be more proud of our team’s efforts. 200 going on 20 I’ve unlocked a personal achievement this past week. No Sense of Reason, my oldest published blog, has finally reached its 200th post. Created on January 17th 2006, No Sense of Reason is my longest ongoing project. Although I don’t always have the time to keep its articles up to date, there hasn’t been a month without at least one new post. In January 2010, celebrating its 4th anniversary I decided to branch out my reach in the blogosphere and created a few themed blogs for some of my creative and professional writing, leaving No Sense of Reason with the hard task of being my beacon for opinion, commentary and heartfelt chronicles. A personal online diary, if you will, filled with numerous well thought criticism of current events. I can’t believe it’s been almost seven years since my first post. This blog accompanied me through college, grad school, work, after work, after work. It’s a silent friend that no matter what is always ready to listen to whatever I have to say. Like I wrote on my last entry, “this blog is more than a diary, it’s part of me.” I don’t see this landmark as the fork in the road for my blogosphere adventure. It’s just a stepping stone on the long road ahead of me. These were only the first 200 steps, we still have a long way to go. |
March 2016